Regarding the safety of using the program in general or an online portal (node or gateway) and how it is controlled by the server's administrator in Hellas-FRN:
The following image shows the capabilities of the server manager to ensure that other users will operate within the framework of a normal and safe broadcast through the simple use of a computer or a web portal on the amateur radio frequencies. The 4 colored "option buttons" are managed by only one. To a simple user of the program they do not appear and consequently the specific user is not able to change the usage status assigned to him by the server administrator. The manager can respectively:
1. Access list, (Λίστα Πρόσβασης) to allow access or not to a communications room, as well as the ability to broadcast with the web portal or not. This possibility is not intended by the program to be transferred to another. It belongs exclusively to the owner of the server. This list includes those who request access and are proven to be radio amateurs with a valid radio license.
2. Block list, (Λίστα Αποκλεισμού) to immediately block someone's access to the room if he behaves outside the defined limits of his use. In essence, it immediately stops him from connecting to the server. Resetting it requires a new action to remove it from the list, otherwise it remains permanently blocked.
3. Gag list, (Λίστα Φίμωσης) to prevent anyone in the room from speaking, or consequently to cause a broadcast to a web portal. He can only listen. It is applied in cases of technical problems that the specific person may have in the operation of the program and harasses the others to chat seamlessly. Resetting it requires an action to remove it from the list, otherwise it remains permanently muted.
4.List of approved administrators, (Λίστα Εγκεκριμένων Διαχειριστών) to delegate part of the server admin capabilities to radio amateurs operating radio stations as web portals as solely responsible owners of the station, through surveillance or for specific reasons and any other ordinary user with a computer in the communication room and they must also be able to block or mute a speaker who behaves outside the normal scope of using a transceiver on an amateur radio frequency. Authorization is personal and per communication room.
In all the above restrictions imposed on a case-by-case basis by authorized persons on some others, for the sake of formality, the same persons who impose the specific measure should monitor the removal of the problem for reinstatement or continuation of the restriction.
The features that can be transferred from the server administrator to other people ONLY concern cases 2 and 3 above.
That is, authorized people can only block or mute someone.